Tuesday, May 17, 2011

True Story... (By Jessica)

I debated a long time about if or how to write this blog entry.  Feeling like it was something that needed acknowledged simply because of the fact that it is not only one of the many things Mom is facing.  But such a HUGE thing to deal with.  Literally from the beginning it has been this thing of dread looming in the back of her mind.  I know when she reads this she will say “ oh I shouldn’t be so vain.”  The truth is I don’t know any woman who would not feel the same way.  In fact knowing our family history with cancer it has crossed my mind many times….. Will I lose my hair to cancer someday?  So many things concerning you body  are taken out of control when you dealing with cancer feeling lousy all of the time is bad enough but feeling like you look lousy simply isn’t fair.  As women our hair is so important to us even if we complain about it (something I will no longer do. )  So not wanting  down play or take away  the respect and sympathy deserved by my Mom for possibly facing this challenge I hope to share my view of our experience while not making it depressing.  That being said, the story goes like this ……..

Mom has been fortunate enough to have not lost her hair yet and hoping she won’t, but knowing the fact she decided better prepared than not.  All of the information tells us that people who lose their hair to cancer literally do it in a matter of days.  Many saying that they just woke up and found it on their pillow or it just came out in clumps as they brushed it.  I am horrified to even think of that happening !!!  Mom had been told by some of the people at the cancer center that you could get a wig from the America Cancer Society, so I called and got the phone number.  I called the number and got this girl on the phone who said that you simply set up an appointment with her and she comes up to Logan with about 6 or 7 totes of wigs for you to choose from.  I asked her “ are they realistic wigs, do people actually find stuff that will work?”   After her telling me she has only ever had two people not be happy with what they had I was relieved at having somewhere hopeful to start.  So the next day Mom, myself and Shelley ( Amanda being out of town) headed to meet this girl.  First of all she was 30 min late, which is not a huge deal but it was just the beginning of the experience.  After waiting forever this girl comes out in the waiting room of the cancer center and call us back.  We follow her back to a room, which was a room where you would meet with the doctor for an exam, examination table and all.  So we file in there and this girl opens up one of the TWO totes that she had brought.  OK so the first thing I have to say is ABSOUTLY NO PEOPLE SKILLS, like what rock did this girl crawl out from.  She was very non assertive and basic to the point.  She gave us the drill in the same manner in which the flight attendant gives the in case of an emergency the exits are here, and here your face mask is above your head BLAH BLAH BLAH.  She was so non sympathetic and acting rushed about the entire thing ( not our fault she is running behind !!)  At one point my Mom has a break down about just being here and why.  She in no way acknowledges the fact that this is a hard thing to deal with or tries to ease Mom’s mind about facing it.     So human interaction and sympathy about dealing with cancer and this part of it aside we haven’t even gotten to the good part.  Apparently when you get to this part of dealing with cancer you have a desire to become some sort of movie star or clown.   She digs through her first tote of wigs and proudly produces a wig and hands it to Deb.  Aside from being a blonde Tina Turner wig it was completely perfect.  “ Did she miss my the part of actually LOOKING at my Moms hair color and or style when we walked in the door ? “  So we immediately shot that one down and sent Miss Super Skill back to the options tote to see if she could do any better.  Let me tell you…… we should have stuck with Tina Turner because the next thing she produced was …… no kidding, Joe Dirt’s blonde wig.  SERIOUSLY LADY ???  I wanted to ask her if she found it on some lame movie collectors web site sale or something !!  After offering my mom several more terrible choices one including a dark brown one ???  We found something that actually was fabulous.  I left thinking that I should apply for this stupid girls job A.S.A.P and prevent anyone else from this ridiculous experience .  At the end of the day it something we can laugh about and consider a girls afternoon wasted.
I love you Mom and truly think you are the most BEAUTIFUL Woman ever !!!!


  1. I too walked out thinking I should apply for that job. And Mom, you are darling!!!!

  2. Can't wait to see the new do Aunt Deb! I am sure it is gorgeous, because you make it that way. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
