I just want to thank everyone for all their love and support over the past month. When my girls wanted to do a blog I told them that was fine but that I did not think anyone that knew me would be bloggers, i was certainly wrong. I have heard from so many of you and appreciate all your love and support.
Over the past month I have had so many blessings in my life and so many "tender mercies" from my Heavenly Father and so much comfort from all of your prayers and fasting on our behalf. When you have something like cancer come into your life it changes everything, but it is certainly not all for the worse. I have had so many anxious moments but just as many, if not more comforting ones. You realize how much it affects all of those who love and care for you also. There is nothing you can do but go day by day with faith and gratitude, which is what I am trying to do and with everyones help it has been ok. I really am doing well and now have three treatments behind me and so very grateful that I can have treatments that can help me.
I can not express how very much I love my dear husband, children, their spouses and grand children and how much they mean to me and how much they have done for me. Their love and patience, dinners, prayers, fasting, notes, gifts, weeding, phone calls and support in all areas and in general just spoiling me and pampering me. I also have a sweet Mom who is always there for me also and a huge loving extended family. My terrific boss and co workers who have picked up my slack at work and also for all their love. I love you all so much and know that
because you love me this is hard for you also. One of the greatest blessings from this has been to watch my children and know what loving, compassionate, and truly terrific people they have become. I have a very tender heart at this time for the blessing of being able to be close to each of them and hug them. Troy has been gone since before I was diagnoised and I have truly had a ache in my heart that I could not hold and love each of my children. The kids all surprised me on Wednesday night with a birthday party and Troy flew in from Arizona. There was nothing I wanted more. Thank you to you all. I am so proud and grateful for my children, a Mom could not have a better blessing in her life than to have children like we have. Again I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for each of you who love us, the cards, phone calls and visits have been so appreciated.
Debbie, I haven't spoken to you since your diagnosis. It's not because I haven't wanted to. At church, it looks like you are mobbed with well wishers and I don't want to add to that. Our family has included you in our prayers and fasting from the time I heard from Beckie. You are someone that I have always looked up to. I would like to come and visit you when it is convenient with you. This is a big one (trial) and I'm sure you are up to the task. Your family is awesome!! Please call me. Love, Bev